As we all know that BOTs are the most buzz topic now-a-days and Telegram messaging application has a good hold on it as a platform. Recently we received a couple of feedback from our customers to integrate some messaging application with Dynamics NAV because that’s where they work-in the whole day and they don’t like to switch the screen to connect with their co-workers. We had been searching a good BOT to integrate with our ERP until we ended up crafting it on Telegram. It’s very easy and fun work.
2. Create new bot by sending /newBot command
3. It will ask for your Bot name that you want to create.
4. Give Suitable name that ends with for Ex: NAV_bot.
5. Each bot is given a unique authentication token when it is created. The token looks something like 326076132:AAEufsce4s2sg5b6mdbmW_KLTcbmS-HeVXY.
6. Now, I have created this bot to Integrate with NAVISION, so for that you require to generate Chat IDs of users to send chat messages to any Telegram User.
7. All set, now you can send message to any user. And it will have sent from your newly created
All Above Steps are to test sample message sending from HTTP request.
8. Now to Integrate Telegram with NAV, you will have to send HTTP requests from NAV code, For that, I have used CURL tool that run silently from your PC and sends HTTP request.
9. Create One Automation variable of ‘Windows Script Host Object Model’.WshShell to open CMD and run CURL command.
10. Here are some sample commands to send messages and send attachments from NAV.
11. Just create Two tables, one is for chat IDs for individual NAV users and another is to create telegram message queue.
12. Final NAV will look like this,
This page contains Chat IDs of Individual Users in NAV.
This Page will send Message to particular User that was added in Chat IDs table.
Just place sendMessage code on this Send Message Action
You can keep Sent Message Entries by creating another page like this.
If you need any help, feel free to reach us.
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